The meetup kicked off with an ice breaker activity on selling yourself Woooh! in form of an ad 😉 Prateek came all the way from Gurgaon for the meetup to share his subject experience with us and some cool play activities.
Prateek has been working as a PPC specialist for Accenture for 3 yrs. now. He started working in digital marketing about 7 yrs. ago and still really enjoy the profession and learning a lot of new things every single day.
In his current organization, his day-to-day activities revolve around paid search, display, shopping, and remarketing. In addition, he also keeps himself busy with Data Analytics, SEO, and Facebook marketing.
It was a plethora of topics we covered in just two hours, take a look:
- Activity on selling
- USP, credibility, CTA
- How do say digital marketing in one word
- Data-driven, fully customizable, measurable
- Overview of DM
- T Shaped
- Audience (who)
- channel (how)
- communication (what)
- T Shaped
- Google ads – campaign type 8
- Google search ads, Why search is imp
- Marketing objectives
- Funnel
- BA
- IC
- DA
- GL
- Account structure
- Keyword funnel
- Awareness – intent to know, solve problems
- Campaign objective – coverage & top of mindedness
2. Targeting – consumer problems and passion points
3. Keywords
- Campaign objective – coverage & top of mindedness
- Consideration – intent to look for options, compare
- Campaign objective – USPs, Reason to switch, brand exp.
2. Targeting – Product related
3. Keywords
- Campaign objective – USPs, Reason to switch, brand exp.
- Action – intent to go, buy, take action
- Campaign objective – Lead conversions, Revenue, Sales
Targeting – Product feed
- Campaign objective – Lead conversions, Revenue, Sales
- Impr. share
With this Prateek also walked us through some of the case studies in advertising. A session so insightful and yes on numbers as Prateek says “After all you can’t manage what you can’t measure.

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